Bhanu Scientific Glass Co.


Simple Distillation Unit

It consists of a vessel mounted in a heating bath and fitted with a condenser for condensing the fumes. Receiver with drain valve can be added for receiving the condensate. The unit is available in vessel sizes of 20, 50, 100, 200, & 300 Ltr.and is suitable for operation under atmospheric pressure and full vacuum.

Cap. Ltr.
Bath KWVapour LineCondenser M 2Reference
10 L250 DN0.2SFSDU 10
20 L380 DN0.35SFSDU 20
50 L4.5100 DN0.5SFSDU 50
100 L6150 DN1.5SFSDU 100
200 L9150 DN1.5SFSDU 200
300 L10.5225 DN2.5SFSDU 300

Optional items

  • Heating mantle instead of jacketed heating/cooling bath.
  • Flush bottom valve instead of the simple drain valve.
  • Cylindrical vessel instead of the spherical vessel.
  •  SIGFOLDI-JACKET ™ vessel instead of the spherical vessel without heating bath and heating mantle.

Reaction Unit

This unit is used for carrying out reactions under stirred condition and with provision for simple reflux distillation.

The reaction vessel is mounted in a heating bath and fitted with addition vessel, motor-driven stirrer and provision for condensation with refluxing. The product is sub-cooled and collected in a receiver.

The units are available in vessel sizes of 20, 50, 100, 200 & 300Ltr is suitable for operation under atmospheric pressure and full

Cap. Ltr.
Bath KWAddition VesselVapour LineCondenser
Receiver SizeReference
10 L22L50 DN0.20.12LSFRDU 10
20 L32 L80 DN0.350.105 LSFRDU 20
50 L4.55 L100 DN0.500.2010 LSFRDU 50
100 L610 L150 DN1.500.3520 LSFRDU 100
200 L920 L150 DN1.500.3520 LSFRDU 200
300 L10.520 L225 DN2.500.520 LSFRDU 300

Optional items

  • Heating mantle instead of jacketed heating / cooling bath.
  • Simple drain valve instead of the flush bottom valve.
  • MS PTFE lined stirrer instead of glass stirrer.
  • Variable frequency drives for variable speed.
  • Cylindrical vessel instead of the spherical vessel.
  • SIGFOLDI-JACKET ® vessel instead of a spherical vessel without heating bath and heating mantle.

Reaction Distillation Unit

The unit has been designed to suit the customer’s requirement of a combination of versatile reaction/distillation or combination for pilot plant work.

This has a flexibility of working at atmospheric pressure as well as under vacuum.

The typical unit has a reaction vessel fitted with a metal heating/cooling bath having a facility for heating and cooling bath by means of heating/cooling Fluids as a media.

The Standard system is equipped with stirrer heaving mechanical seal, a packed column on the side neck of the vessel, reflux divider, coil type condenser and or receiver system having a product, cooler, vent, drain and vacuum valves, Option of speed variation by mechanical variator or electronic variator can be provided.

The receiver system is equipped with product cooler. Vent/vacuum valve and drain valve.

The above unit are available in 10 Ltr., 20 Ltr., 50Ltr.,100 Ltr., 200 Ltr. & 300Ltr capacity with a spherical reactor.

Reactor CapacityBath KWAddition VesselVapour LineCondenser
Receiver SizeReference
10 L22 L50 DN0.20.12L, 2LSFFRU 10
20 L32 L80 DN0.350.12L, 5LSFFRU 20
50 L4.55 L100 DN0.50.25L, 10LSFFRU 50
100 L610 L150 DN1.50.3510L, 20LSFFRU 100
200 L920 L150 DN1.50.3510L, 20LSFFRU 200
300 L10.520 L225 DN2.50.520L, 20LSFFRU 300

Optional Items

  • Heating mantle instead of jacketed heating / cooling bath.
  •  Simple drain Valve instead of the flush bottom valve.
  • MS PTFE lined stirrer instead of glass stirrer.
  • Variable frequency drives for variable speed.
  • Cylindrical vessel instead of the spherical vessel. TM
  •  SIGFOLDI-JACKET vessel instead of a spherical vessel without heating bath and heating mantle.

Fractional Distillation Unit

This unit is typically used for only distillation and fractionation under vacuum or at atmospheric pressure. The typical unit has distillation vessel fitted with a metal heating / cooling bath and with a packed column above reflux divider and coil condensers below are fitted on the packed column. Condensed material is either taken back to the vessel or to the receiver via product cooler.

The above units are available in 10 Ltr., 20 Ltr., 50 Ltr.,100 Ltr., & 200 Ltr.

Reactor CapacityBath KWAddition VesselVapour LineCondenser
Receiver SizeReference
10 L22 L50 DN0.20.12L, 2LSFFDU 10
20 L32 L80 DN0.350.12L, 5LSFFDU20
50 L4.55 L100 DN0.50.25L, 10LSFFDU 50
100 L610 L150 DN1.50.3510L, 20LSFFDU 100
200 L920 L150 DN1.50.3510L, 20LSFFDU 200
300 L10.520 L225 DN2.50.520L, 20LSFFDU 300

Optional Items

  • Heating mantle instead of jacketed heating / cooling bath.
  • Simple drain valve instead of the flush bottom valve.
  • Cylindrical vessel instead of the spherical vessel.
  • SIGFOLDI-JACKET ® vessel instead of a spherical vessel without heating bath and heating mantle.
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